
“In a series of seven large-scale paintings, characterised by popping deep colours and vast organic forms, Alexandra explores the Seven Deadly Sins of humanity, also called the capital vices. Although originating from Christian teachings, the vices now apply to our modern capitalist society, and are a fundamental part of our identity, appearing in different shapes and forms. What would we be without our vices? A life without vice seems like a life without fun, yet humans seem to constantly be struggling with outwardly appearing as the best-version of themselves, free of sins. Trying to hide their vices. But how easier would life be if we befriend our inner demons, and embrace our sins, make peace with them instead of fighting them? Let our “sins” grow organically to become driving forces in our lives. 

Mirroring the ebbs and flows of human beings, “Indulgence” appears like the antithesis of her previous exhibition “Abstinence” (May 2022, New York City). Although considered as opposites, indulgence and abstinence go in fact hand in hand. Through her paintings, Alex explores the transformative journey of life cycles. A constant never-ending cycle filled with endings and rebirths

Through this exhibition, let your mind, body and soul wander. Explore the innermost part of yourselves & let your sins reveal themselves.”

words by Lamia Baladi 

27th December, 2022 , Beirut


Functional Impairment